Pomegranate Relic from Solomon's Temple

"And the chapiters upon the two pillars had pomegranates
also above, over against the belly which was by the network:
and the pomegranates were two hundred in rows round
about upon the other chapiter." IKing 7:20

This thumb-sized pomegranate is believed to be the only known relic from Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. It would have served as the decorative head of a ceremonial scepter used by the Temple priests during one of the ceremonies.

Around the shoulder of the pomegranate is a carefully incised inscription in early Hebrew characters, part of which is broken off, which reads:

"qodes kohanim I-beyt [yahve]h".


"Sacred donation for the priests of (in) the House of [Yahve]h." "House of Yahveh"

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